News list for " Bulls"

Gold bulls take a breath, the support below is awesome! The pound's rally has come to an end, and a new bottoming stage has begun... Click to view the key points of each asset based on order flow...

Gold bulls take a breath, the support below is awesome! The pound's rally has come to an end, and a new bottoming stage has begun... Click to view the key points of each asset based on order flow...

2025-03-22 12:30:26
Gold bulls are gaining momentum like a rainbow, and short-term support has gradually emerged. Once they fall, a deep correction may be brewing.

Gold bulls are gaining momentum like a rainbow, and short-term support has gradually emerged. Once they fall, a deep correction may be brewing.

2025-03-13 07:39:05
The data war is imminent, gold bulls remain cautious, but if they can break..., the bears will temporarily exit the market; WTI crude oil low range wait-and-see sentiment becomes stronger, but the bulls above still remain, or the shock is the main one.

The data war is imminent, gold bulls remain cautious, but if they can break..., the bears will temporarily exit the market; WTI crude oil low range wait-and-see sentiment becomes stronger, but the bulls above still remain, or the shock is the main one.

2025-03-12 07:06:46
Gold stepped back on the lower edge of the shock range, but it did not drive bears to increase their positions significantly. Or can they pay attention to the rebound opportunity here? The overall financial sentiment of crude oil did not continue to deteriorate, but the bulls continued to plan a rebound and be vigilant against the risk of upward revision

Gold stepped back on the lower edge of the shock range, but it did not drive bears to increase their positions significantly. Or can they pay attention to the rebound opportunity here? The overall financial sentiment of crude oil did not continue to deteriorate, but the bulls continued to plan a rebound and be vigilant against the risk of upward revision

2025-03-11 07:05:13
The strong dollar has not been "extinguished", can the gold bulls hold their ground? Iran's oil exports are sanctioned again, will the OPEC + production increase plan be affected? The tariff agreement may trigger a pullback in the euro...

The strong dollar has not been "extinguished", can the gold bulls hold their ground? Iran's oil exports are sanctioned again, will the OPEC + production increase plan be affected? The tariff agreement may trigger a pullback in the euro...

2025-02-26 09:55:15
Gold prices hit a new high on Monday but failed to boost bulls' sentiment. Shimizu's departure may suggest that the gold price lacks reinforcements and may fall into a situation of "ambush on all sides"?

Gold prices hit a new high on Monday but failed to boost bulls' sentiment. Shimizu's departure may suggest that the gold price lacks reinforcements and may fall into a situation of "ambush on all sides"?

2025-02-25 07:00:00
Gold bulls are in a tailwind, and breaking through this range will mark a new breakthrough in the consolidation pattern! Can you help the US index find support tonight? The yen's rebound may be short-lived...

Gold bulls are in a tailwind, and breaking through this range will mark a new breakthrough in the consolidation pattern! Can you help the US index find support tonight? The yen's rebound may be short-lived...

2025-02-20 10:17:14
The tariff war is intensifying, but Wall Street is fearless, the dollar bulls are confused, and the gold bulls and bears continue to fight fiercely near the 3,000 mark; the interest rate cut "late" is long overdue, and the importance of the Federal Reserve next week may not be as important as this data...

The tariff war is intensifying, but Wall Street is fearless, the dollar bulls are confused, and the gold bulls and bears continue to fight fiercely near the 3,000 mark; the interest rate cut "late" is long overdue, and the importance of the Federal Reserve next week may not be as important as this data...

2025-02-16 13:36:59
The tariff war is intensifying, but Wall Street is fearless. Dollar bulls are in confusion, and gold bulls and bears are fighting fiercely near the 3,000 mark. Interest rate cuts are long overdue, and the Federal Reserve may not be as important as this data next week... Click to view...

The tariff war is intensifying, but Wall Street is fearless. Dollar bulls are in confusion, and gold bulls and bears are fighting fiercely near the 3,000 mark. Interest rate cuts are long overdue, and the Federal Reserve may not be as important as this data next week... Click to view...

2025-02-15 12:14:54
Trump has announced an indiscriminate tariff attack, and the dollar bulls have heard the wind again! Powell will testify to Congress, the Federal Reserve is facing an inflation test, and the plan to end the Russia-Ukraine conflict is about to be released? Click to view...

Trump has announced an indiscriminate tariff attack, and the dollar bulls have heard the wind again! Powell will testify to Congress, the Federal Reserve is facing an inflation test, and the plan to end the Russia-Ukraine conflict is about to be released? Click to view...

2025-02-08 11:29:16
Trump once again stirred up the situation, but saved the lives of crude oil bulls. Does the technical surface show that the short-term rebound of US oil has laid the groundwork?

Trump once again stirred up the situation, but saved the lives of crude oil bulls. Does the technical surface show that the short-term rebound of US oil has laid the groundwork?

2025-02-05 03:20:59
The Federal Reserve did not send a clear hawkish signal overnight, and gold bulls remained optimistic. But the room for continued upside may be limited, as the bulls' willingness to bet above this level is weaker...

The Federal Reserve did not send a clear hawkish signal overnight, and gold bulls remained optimistic. But the room for continued upside may be limited, as the bulls' willingness to bet above this level is weaker...

2025-01-30 08:04:07
Can gold bulls withstand the Fed's New Year's "debut" this week? Fish and bear's paw are not available, will Trump strengthen the oil market commitment? The dollar is caught in a dilemma, can the Fed...

Can gold bulls withstand the Fed's New Year's "debut" this week? Fish and bear's paw are not available, will Trump strengthen the oil market commitment? The dollar is caught in a dilemma, can the Fed...

2025-01-27 10:49:47
Today's long settlement is about $770 million, approaching a monthly high

Crypto markets experienced major long liquidations on Monday totaling around $770 million, nearing the January 18 monthly high. SOL and DOGE led the mainstream down more than 10 percent, while Ethereum (ETH), BNB, XRP, and Cardano (ADA) also fell 9 percent. Crypto's overall market capitalization fell 8.5% in the Asian afternoon trading session on Monday. According to Coinglass data, the bitcoin futures market lost 2% in the past 24 hours.

2025-01-27 08:27:52
Gold bulls are showing a clear profit-bearing trend, and bears are also trying to contain the rebound. The key areas for whether the decline can continue today are expected to be...

Gold bulls are showing a clear profit-bearing trend, and bears are also trying to contain the rebound. The key areas for whether the decline can continue today are expected to be...

2025-01-27 07:34:34

7x24 Newsflash

16:26 2025-03-22
据DeFilama平台数据显示,截止3月22日,USDe供应量跌破54亿枚,达 53.89亿枚,过去7日跌幅达1.3%。
15:59 2025-03-22
15:29 2025-03-22
15:04 2025-03-22
15:01 2025-03-22
Ripple本周宣布美国证券交易委员会正式撤销针对该公司长达四年的诉讼,CNBC发文称这代表了美国证券交易委员会多年来针对加密货币行业的讨伐已经结束,Ripple案件或将成为相关诉讼的最后一章,因为本案是在前美国证券交易委员会主席Jay Clayton任职最后一天提起的。CNBC列举称,Coinbase、Kraken、罗Robinhood、币安和OpenSea此前的诉讼或调查均被撤销、解决或搁置。
15:00 2025-03-22
国内新闻:1. 中日举行第六次经济高层对话,达成二十项重要共识。2. 上期所:做好长三角气温指数期货等金融衍生品研发工作。3. 中国发展高层论坛2025年年会明日召开,李强将出席。4. 商务部:对原产于日本的进口间苯二酚继续征收反倾销税,实施期限为5年。5. 王毅出席中日韩外长会时表示,推动中日韩合作在新形势下提质升级 发挥“1+1+1>3”的作用。6. 商务部部长王文涛会见宝马集团董事长齐普策,双方就宝马集团对华合作、欧盟对华电动汽车反补贴案等议题进行交流。7. 国务院副总理何立峰在京会见美国联邦参议员戴安斯时表示,中方坚决反对将经贸问题政治化、武器化、工具化,愿同美方在相互尊重、平等互利基础上开展坦诚对话。国际新闻:1. 为缓解“蛋荒” ,美国从韩国土耳其进口鸡蛋。2. 马斯克确认DOGE阻止对世界经济论坛5200万美元付款。3. 苏丹武装部队22日宣布,已控制首都喀土穆市中心多个重要地点。4. 美国白宫:特朗普不允许哈里斯、克林顿和拜登家人接触机密信息。5. 英国威廉王子身着军装突访北约前线,乘坐坦克视察与俄交界地带。6. 美国新墨西哥州发生发生大规模枪击事件,至少一人死...
14:58 2025-03-22
Bitcoin Magazine在X平台披露数据,本周美国比特币交易所交易基金总计买入8775枚BTC,而比特币矿工产出仅为3150枚BTC。
14:55 2025-03-22
据 Farside 监测数据,本周美国以太坊现货 ETF 累计净流出 1.029 亿美元,5 个交易日均为资金净流出状态。
14:46 2025-03-22
日本上市房企Open House Group宣布接受XRP、SOL和DOGE支付
据PRNewswire报道,日本上市房企Open House Group宣布接受XRP、SOL和DOGE支付,支持国际客户使用相关加密货币购买本地房产,该公司此前已宣布支持BTC和ETH支付并于2022年赞助日本最大的闪电网络社区“Diamond Hands”进行联合研究项目。
14:40 2025-03-22
14:40 2025-03-22
赵长鹏发文提及 Luxun,BNB Chain 上同名 meme 币突破新高
赵长鹏在 X 平台回复:"无穷的远方,无数的人们,都和 BSC 有关。-鲁迅",受此影响 LUXUN 上涨突破新高。 据 GMGN 行情数据显示,赵长鹏发文提及 Luxun 后,LUXUN 5 分钟涨幅达 136%,市值现报 692 万美元。
14:40 2025-03-22
Sonic Labs发布Soni Points更新:拟将USDC.e乘数提高到6倍
Sonic Labs发布Sonic Points更新,其中披露正在将USDC.e乘数提高到6倍,此外还将两个新资产列入白名单,分别是:aUSDC和bUSDC.e-20。Sonic Labs还表示把Sonic Points的积分展示缩小1000倍,但仅影响展示,而非积分价值。